41st Elite Corps

An Arma 3 Starsim unit

Welcome to the 41st!

We are a gaming community that utilizes Arma 3 for our unit which is based around Star Wars The Clone Wars and focuses on the 41st Elite Corps! Here on our website you will find our unit info, recruitment info, and more! We are an open arm community, and we are here to have fun and we want you today! 

Please note we only recruit members who are 16+

We are Recruiting Join us today 

The 41st Unit is looking for new:

 Aux mod members,


 Sound Engineer


Checkout our trailer!

Current Time MST

All times shown on calendar are default MST

Quote of the month April


"Sir, were low on ammunition, we are surrounded what should we do?"

"We do what we were trained to do, hold the line until the mission is complete, we must buy time for the supplies to come through be it with us surviving or not"

"Understood sir, I'll ready the men for one last fight"