The Founders

In October of 2022, A group of friends would get together and discuss some fundamental issues they saw in their past Starsim units, issues that proved to be fixable. The result of this was the creation of the 41st Elite Corps, a unit focused around democracy and the goal to give their unit the ability voice themselves in a way that would be heard. Pain, Haze, Winter, Higs, and Tig came together to create this unit in the hopes that players would have equal opportunity, from leadership to a seat on the senate, or just to be able to vote on unit matters, the 41st is a way for everyone to have a choice.

Left to right: CL-3467 Tig, CSM-1804 Higs, CXO-2219 Winter, CL-2626 Haze, CC-6116 Pain (10/10/22)

Fun Fact!: During the initial days of forming the unit, the 41st was actually going to be the 104th Wolf Pack! This was soon changed due to the fact there is a pre-existing 104th unit, and there was concern that there would be confusion between the two. The newly formed senate came together and voted to change the unit name. The two options to vote on was the 442nd Siege Battalion, and the 41st Elite Corps!